What is XTEN10X?

A quick introduction about this newsletter.

👋 Hey, SK here!  Welcome to XTEN10X.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a new visitor to this newsletter. Let me help you understand what you can find in this space.

XTEN10X stands for Extending Growth by 10x. Through this newsletter, I share my thoughts, observations, and learnings that could help readers grow both professionally and personally.

Below are some of the topics you will find on XTEN10X. The list will continue to grow in the future:

  • Startups

  • Product Management

  • Learnings from founders/leaders

  • Social media marketing

  • Career growth

    And much more...

XTEN10X is a community of growth-minded individuals. If you think you can contribute to any of the above topics or any other topic that will help readers grow, feel free to contact me on LinkedIn.



or to participate.